SavingsNow Features

SavingsNow is our exclusive multi-cloud cost analysis platform, providing real-time insights, detailed views of cloud spending, and cost optimization recommendations.

Billing Summary

Specialized cloud cost BI query engine, gain deep insights into your cloud billing details.

Cost Optimization

Offering subscription-based resource optimization and rate optimization recommendations.

Cost Allocation

Offering subscription-based resource optimization and rate optimization recommendations.

Anomaly Management

Reports to identify unexpected spending, the distribution of anomaly alerts, and the investigation and resolution of anomalous usage and cost.


Easy Signup

Getting started is as easy as a few clicks, and it will only consume 2 minutes of your time.


SavingsNow offers dozens of pre-configured cloud cost analysis reports.

Multi-environment support

SavingsNow provides cost analysis for AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes environments.


SavingsNow requires only minimal read-only cloud account permissions.

Support Service

We provide 9 * 5 online technical support service, always keeping in touch with you.

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